Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.
Natural Herbal Extract
Chlorogenic Acid Extract

Natural Herbal Extracts
Chlorogenic Acid Extract
Chlorogenic Acid Extract Description: Product name:Chlorogenic AcidOriginal plant: Is the dried flower bud or opening flower of Lonicera japonica Thunb., Lonicera hypoglauca Miq., Lonicera confusa DC. or Lonicera dasystyla Rehd. (Fam. Caprifoliaceae).Specification:4%-99%Test me......
Chlorogenic Acid Extract Detail
Known As: Chlorogenic Acid Extract
Product name:Chlorogenic Acid
Original plant: Is the dried flower bud or opening flower of Lonicera japonica Thunb., Lonicera hypoglauca Miq., Lonicera confusa DC. or Lonicera dasystyla Rehd. (Fam. Caprifoliaceae).
Test method:HPLC
Molecular formula: C16H18O9
Molecular weight: 354.31
CAS No.: 327-97-9
Solubility: Good solubility in water
Melting point:205-209ˇăC
Pharmacology Action: It can clear the oxygen-derived free radicals and peroxide in human body.It is better to clear the free radical than the tocopherol and ascorbic acid, it is 5 times to lower the intensity of inhibiting the free radical than penicillamine anti-mutagenic , it can protect liver and improve the gallbladder, it can inhibit the copy the virus.
The use and production technology introduced
Natural Herbal Extracts
Natural Herbal Extracts
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Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.
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Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.
Tel : (86)592 8238993
Fax: (86)592 5133506
Email : Service@hcban.com
Herbal Extract COA
Certificate of Analysis
Resveratrol 98% - 09/01/2009
Water Soluble Curcumin E=60 - 08/21/2009
Dehydrated Tamarind Extract - 08/06/2009
Chitosan Acid Soluble - 08/19//2009
Water Soluble Chitosan - 08/19/2009
Rutin 95% - 08/28/2009
Rutin 98% - 08/28/2009