Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.

Natural Herbal Extract


Natural Herbal Extracts

Emodin 98%

Emodin Description: Molecular formula:C15H10O5Molecular Weight:270.23Test Method:HPLCEINECS NO:208-258-8Appearance:orange needle crystalBiological Activity:(A)Anti-tumor Activity:Emodin caninhibitsarcoma-180, liver cancer,breastcancer,Ehrich ascites carcinoma,......

Emodin Detail

Known As: Emodin 98%

Molecular formula:C15H10O5
Molecular Weight:270.23
Test Method:HPLC
EINECS NO:208-258-8
Appearance:orange needle crystal

Biological Activity:

(A)Anti-tumor Activity:

Emodin can inhibit sarcoma-180, liver cancer, breast cancer,Ehrich ascites carcinoma, lymphatic sarcoma, melanoma and rat tumor and lung cancer WACKER A-549 are inhibitory, the inhibition rate is above 30%

(B)Anti-microbial Gowth Function:

Effects of emodin on Staphylococcus aureus 209P, Streptococcus, diphtheria bacillus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus paratyphi, Shigella, E. coli, Bacillus influenza, pneumococcal, meningococcal, etc. Catarrhal inhibit; common clinical anaerobic inhibit bacteria; slightly higher than the MIC of metronidazole

(C)Immunosuppressive Effects:

Dose of 70mg/kg to rats by intraperitoneal injection of emodin can inhibit antibody production in rats, inhibited the capacity of carbon clearance, reducing the weight of immune organs and reduce the number of leukocytes and reduce the peritoneal macrophage phagocytosis. 10mg/ml concentration on in vitro [3H]-TdR and [3H]-Urd incorporation inhibited lymphocytes.

(D)Spasmolytic And Relieving Coughing Function:

Effects of emodin on acetylcholine-induced isolated rat intestinal spasm of the strong inhibition of opium poppy is about 4 times. And it has abvious effect on relieving coughing.

(E) Function On Cardiovascular System:

Emodin in small doses on isolated toad heart are excited about the role, and there are high-dose inhibition. There are step-down effect of emodin.

(F) Diuresis Function:

Emodin can make the content of sodium and potassium increase, the promotion of ureteral peristalsis, increase in urine volume.

(G)Function On Histamine:

10ug/kg dose by obstruction to the experimental rats were fed by gavage emodin, mucosal histamine content in rats can return to normal levels, but blood had no effect on histamine content.

(H)LTB Anabolic Effect:

Emodin is a 5 - lipoxygenase inhibitors, inhibit human leukocyte-type multi-LTB4 and LTB4 in whole blood in the synthesis of PGE2 synthesis without inhibition.

(I)Bowel lossening Fuction:

Emodin inhibits sodium and potassium ion transport from the intestine to the cells, so that the water remain in the intestine, the large intestine to stimulate and promote their motility, which plays the role of diarrhea.

The use and production technology introduced

Natural Herbal Extracts

Natural Herbal Extracts

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Herbal Extract COA

Certificate of Analysis

Resveratrol 98% - 09/01/2009

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