Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.

Natural Herbal Extract

Sodium Alginate

Sodium Alginate
Food Additive

Sodium Alginate

Sodium Alginate Description: Sodium Alginate is a natural amylose carbohydrate distilled from alga . It is widely applied to food ,medicine, textile, printing and dyeing , paper-making and daily chemicals as thickener , emulsifier, stabilizer and binder etc. Sodium Alg......

Sodium Alginate Detail

Known As: Sodium Alginate

Sodium Alginate is a natural amylose carbohydrate distilled from alga . It is widely applied to food ,medicine, textile, printing and dyeing , paper-making and daily chemicals as thickener , emulsifier, stabilizer and binder etc. Sodium Alginate is exploring more in food application, especially since 1980s forward. It is not only a safety food additive,but also a basis material of modelling food or dietary food. As the natural cellulose , it can slow the absorption of fatty sugar .and bilesalt , reduce serum cholesterol , triglyceride in the blood. and blood sugar to prevent high blood pressure , diabetes and adiposity,the modern diseases,as well as control the accumulation of noxious metals , such .as Sr , Cd and lead . Its importance has been increasingly recognized by home and abroad,so Japanese call the food rich in sodium Alginate " longevity food " , while Americans call it "magic food additive"

Sodium Alginate

Molecular formula:  ( C 6 H 7 O 6 N a ) n

Description: White or light yellow, vagiform power, odorless, tasteless, dissolve in water, insoluable in ethanol and ether.

Product Category :

1 ¡¢ Liquid phase sodium Alginate

¡¡¡¡¢Ù granule

¡¡¡¡¢Ú powdery : According to the needs of customers, products with various viscosity from 60Mu to 200 Mu are aviable.

2 ¡¢ Solid phase sodium Alginate;

¡¡¡¡Production specifications :

¡¡¡¡High viscosity : 500-1000mpa ~ s

¡¡¡¡Medium viscosity : 200-500mpa ~ s

¡¡¡¡Low viscosity : 100-200mpa ~ s

¡¡¡¡Ultralow viscosity : 10-100mpa ~ s

¡¡¡¡Executive standard :

¡¡¡¡Pharmaceutical : America Pharmacopoeia, Edition II, III;

¡¡¡¡Edible : GB1976-80 ;

¡¡¡¡Industrial : SC/T3401-1985 ;

¡¡¡¡Packing standard: Packed by compound sack .25kg per sack.

The use and production technology introduced

Food Additive

Nutrition Additive, Food Additive

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Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.

Inquiries by phone, fax or email is welcome, while email inquiry is more preferred, and answers will be made within 24 hours for most occasion.

Contact us

Xiamen JieJing Biology Technology Co.,Ltd.

Tel : (86)592 8238993

Fax: (86)592 5133506

Email : Service@hcban.com

Herbal Extract COA

Certificate of Analysis

Resveratrol 98% - 09/01/2009

Water Soluble Curcumin E=60 - 08/21/2009

Dehydrated Tamarind Extract - 08/06/2009

Chitosan Acid Soluble - 08/19//2009

Water Soluble Chitosan - 08/19/2009

Rutin 95% - 08/28/2009

Rutin 98% - 08/28/2009

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